domenica 7 dicembre 2008

you can't play on broken strings

Broken Strings
Let me hold you
For the last time
It's the last chance to feel again
But you broke me
Now I can't feel anything

When I love you,
It's so untrue
I can't even convince myself
When I'm speaking,
It's the voice of someone else

Oh it tears me up
I try to hold on, but it hurts too much
I try to forgive, but it's not enough to make it all okay

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real

Oh the truth hurts
And lies worse

How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before

Oh what are we doing
We are turning into dust
Playing house in the ruins of us

Running back through the fire
When there's nothing left to save
It's like chasing the very last train when it's too late

Oh it tears me up
I try to hold on, but it hurts too much
I try to forgive, but it's not enough to make it all okay

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell something that ain't real

Well the truth hurts,
And lies worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before

But we're running through the fire
When there's nothing left to save
It's like chasing the very last train
When we both know it's too late (too late)

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel
I cant tell you something that ain't real

Well truth hurts,
And lies worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before

Let me hold you for the last time
It's the last chance to feel again

mercoledì 3 dicembre 2008

tacchi violenti

in questo mese di assenza ho pensato a molte cose.
sono una persona vera e tutte le mie azioni e reazioni sono spontanee, non ti so mentire. la trovo una cosa che mi differenzia, nel bene e nel male, da tutti gli altri. ma onestamente lo ritengo un pregio.
molte cose sono cambiate e le persone hanno mostrato - anche in questo caso nel bene e nel male - facce diverse da quelle che credevo.
stamattina, su un paio di tacchi violenti, vedevo prendere vita qualcosa che ho contribuito a rendere possibile.
domani, però, niente tacchi troppo alti.
sono ancora in ufficio ed è quasi ora di cena. ci resterò almeno un altro paio d'ore.
sono stanca morta e ho bisogno di dormire, ma basterebbe anche vedere le lamborghini.
mi sentirei un po' più vicina a te.